Monday, April 9, 2012

the aftermath of chocolate

I survived Easter Sunday without eating chocolate and silly things.

 I DID NOT survive Easter Monday without eating chocolate and silly things!

 At the end of the night I gave in and polished of a whole 100g cadbury bunny and was stupidly hating myself for every bite, but still did it anyway. So I knew that I hadn't even been to the gym all weekend and yet knowingly added and extra 535 odd calories into the mix. And on top of that didn't even take the time to really enjoy it.

I can hear all the psyhco-analysing right now, "you're self sabotaging", "you put too much pressure on yourself", "was it emotional eating?", "you are using the festivities as excuses not to take responsibility".

SHUT UP. Shut up because they are probably all true but at the end of the day it doesn't change the fact that I did it. So today I am gonna suck it up and hit the gym twice. One session of shred already done this morning which is hopefully about 450 cals burnt. Maybe a walk with the kids this afternoon, which I don't count as calorie burning, just to get them out too and then Zumba tonight, which will hopefully burn another 370 cals. Then tomorrow instead of still holding this dread feeling I will just be sore and weary, which is a much more productive feeling! 

 But I'm not gonna stop there. I think some of my problem is that I have hit my goal weight and haven't set myself a new goal. I didn't want to rush into anything initially because I wanted to really enjoy what I have achieved so far. It seems that I don't have the personality type to do that quite so simply. And so the new phase begins. But with no time frame. And the reward I want is a new pair of sneakers. Flashy and pretty ones like these 
Yep I know it's lame but I think that having these sneakers will keep up my motivation, because I'll want to be seen in them. I mean who wouldn't want to be seen in these gems? And maybe even some new skins. Not that I'll be strutting the streets in those though.

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