Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Busy hands...

"you're in pretty good shape, for the the shape you are in"

Dr Suess

Well right about now the shape I am in is.. portly. But I have been portlier (is that a word?) so I am not hating myself completely.

So to keep myself busy to avoid overeating etc I have started planning Fly-boys 2nd birthday party even though it is almost over a month away.

We have decided on a construction/bob the builder theme. Perfect for the little bruiser really.

I have made the lolly bags which are bought black paper bags with coloured paper tools on them. I'm really happy with how they have turned out:

Today I made some cupcake topper-picks. You know the little toothpick things to stick in the cupcakes to keep the theme alive.
I have also order the hats and caution tape and we will be using this Photo board on the day

Monday, March 28, 2011

This is just how we roll on a monday....

Who would eat inside when its this lovely outside. A little bit of tandoori pork fillet on the BBQ and a glass of sparkling pear juice and this mumma is happy.

Friday, March 25, 2011

new photo boards

Here are some pics of the latest photo boards: I have a couple in production including Abby Cadabby too. They are so much fun and I am so pleased when they are finished. It's just finding the time at the moment.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

7months on

I know it has been forever since I visited here last. Everything and nothing has been happening around here lately. But I'm here know and armed with some updates. Firstly my rescue mission on some discarded chairs is complete:I'm pretty proud of them. They fit into every room in our house so we are never short a chair when needed. Also this year my marvelous started kindy. She loves going, even though some mornings it feels like we'll never get out the door in time. I am using tricks like premaking lunches and filling the freezer with them. It has been so hot here his year that they are definitely defrosted by the time she eats them. Also a ban on telly and computer games on school mornings mean there is a few less distractions. She has been bringing SO MANY of her creations home. At least 1 large painting every school day. My fridge door was overflowing so I have come up with something I like to call the "table of Honour". Our dinner table has a clear plastic protector mat on it. The plastic itself is getting pretty beat up due to the fact that I seem to think that means I can go to town with all my arts and crafts on it as the table won't get wrecked. So I have started sliding all of her and the cheeky boys artwork under it so we can admire it at dinner times etc. I think it looks really cool and we can fit a lot under plus be able to open the fridge door. What do you think?