Sunday, February 26, 2012

what's in that kids lunchbox?...........five

How was everyone's weekends? The cool change was welcomed in our house. Although I still managed to get some sunburn from the teeny tiny amount of time I spent in the garden. I won't complain though as I did manage to escape getting bitten by the 2 extremely large redbacks that I discovered living in the vege garden. YUCK.

Even though we had an easy going weekend, I realized last minute that we didn't have enough bread for lunches today. So I had to think a little bit outside the square. I also hadn't done any baking, but by some small miracle Lucy invited her Grandma over for dinner and she just happened to bring some homemade Anzac bikkies. Thank you lunchbox miracle fairies.

Week 5 - this kid has

  • ham, egg and picky salad
  • Grandma's Anzac Biscuit
  • Fruit crust up (frozen)
  • Sultana's
  • apple for shared fruit recess
The only down side to this lunch is that it really needs to be made fresh daily. But on the upside I just used any salad items that I had on hand and that she likes to eat. You could also put in a little pot of mayo to use like a dip. If you have a few kids to cater for another fun thing to do would be cut everything up and then get them to fill the container for themselves each morning. Handball some of the responsibility.

Again nothing came home from last weeks lunchbox. During the week she did end up switching her fruit slices to apple and then on Friday she did tell me that other kids have chocolates in their lunch and she would like one too please. I told her she was dreaming! I might consider making a chocolate zucchini cake for next week though. I am not a complete meany.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

still going strong in my big girl knickers

Recently this blog has been all about school lunches and kids things. 
So I think I need to make this post 
Just to keep things even of course.
Some many have been following or heard about my new healthier lifestyle. To date I have lost a disgusting 17kgs and 11 of those since I joined the gym. I say disgusting because I'm not really sure how I found all that weight to begin with. And I'm pretty sure when I look in the mirror I look like the same person just with added collarbones. So how does that work exactly.
Last night on the way home from the gym Lucy exclaimed that I didn't have any kilo's anymore! We asked her to explain and she said that apparently I am skinny now so I don't need to go to the gym. Unfortunately that is not true. The gym will have to be a part of my life forever I think.
That basically means that majority of the week I look like this:
and this
All panda-eyed and my makeup has completely melted off my face from sweat. Yes I wear makeup, basically because I usually have either just done school drop off or pick up and I'm one of those people who would hate for the other Mum's to see my natural skin complexion.  So yes that means I usually need 3 showers a day plus i have to do my hair and makeup twice. 
Don't judge me. Please. I only have a few vanity issues!
I have finally thrown out most of my big clothes and maternity wear (Those elastic waisted pants were my saviour, friend and hero for so long) with the intent that I will NEVER need them again.
Thankfully in my semi-hoarding way I still have heaps of jeans from over 10years ago, the last time I was this size, so I don't have to go completely broke buying all new clothes.
I am so close to my goal now that I can almost smell it. 
On that note I'm off to Zumba. Gonna shake and shimmy my booty off!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

what's in that kids lunchbox?......four.......

 This week I have been thinking about portion sizes. Lunch boxes and insulated lunch bags don't come in "age" or "appetite" sizing. They all seem to be one size whether the user is 4 or 12years old. My aim used to be to fill the entire bag or I thought that I mustn't be feeding her properly. And if the lunch bag came home still half full I would be upset. Then I started thinking about how much she would eat if she were home for the day. A sandwich and a large apple would be sufficient for an adult so why was I trying to make her eat double that? 
I also don't want her to be hungry either. So my rule of thumb is that if they still have one or two mouthfuls of food left in the lunchbox at the end of the day then you have packed the perfect amount. And not to be upset if half a sandwich comes home. In reality it means that they at least had half a good sambo. I kind of think that is why it's important to make sure the main lunch item is good and the snacks aren't too naughty so they have good fuel for learning and playing.
So how I've worked out how much to send was I made a note of how much she ate at home, and then I just add a few extra grapes/crackers/sultanas etc. Simple really. And if I am trying out a new recipe or sandwich filling that she hasn't tried before then I will pop in an extra snack in case it turns out to be a flop. (But honestly it's better to try new stuff with them on the weekend so you can see first hand whether they will eat it or not)

So if you are following along with my school lunch journey , then just adjust the quantities to suit your child's appetite and needs. And also note that I am not a dietitian or nutritionist - I am just a loving parent trying my best

So on that note week 4 This Kid Has

had terrible time taking the photo this morning and the husband wasn't around to  fix it for me. Sorry

  • an apple for shared fruit recess
  • a ham, cheese, lettuce and mayo on wholemeal sandwich (this is her favourite combo)
  • a piece of oat slice (no icing)
  • slices of nectarine and plum
  • a fruit juice
(last weeks lunchbox didn't have anything return! It did however make the Husband jealous.)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

a little pressie for Lucy

This is just one of the presents that Lucy got for her birthday. I mentioned the idea to Clint and in his handy way just knocked them together one day. I painted them up and put some pretty paper inside to look like wall paper for the birdies. Each roof comes off so at night we drop little battery operated tea lights in and it is a nice alternative to a plug in night light.
So pretty. I still wish it was my room.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

all things pink and lovely

5 years ago our lives changed for the better because Lucy entered our hearts.
 And so we CELEBRATED!
Cupcakes and Cake pops
Fun Fun FUN
Food and decorations
Happy birthday Lucy. Sorry about my dodgey cake skills

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Quinoa nori rolls

We LOVE LOVE LOVE these. I think they are much better than the rice variety. 

Quinoa Nori rolls

Cooked and cooled quinoa (I use an organic white type and cook it using a simple absorption method)
Nori sheets
Approx 1 TBsp of sesame seeds
Fillings:   Poached chicken, cucumber, carrot
Dressing:   Avocado, good quality mayo, unhulled tahini, a small squeeze of lemon

Mix the sesame seeds through the quinoa. Combine all of the dressing ingredients (little kitchen helpers are good for this bit). Construct the nori rolls as per normal sushi.

The hardest part for us in not eating them all as we make them. We usually eat them with pickled ginger and soy sauce.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wholemeal Heart Pikelets

This is my jazzed up simple pikelet recipe. There are lots of ways to change the recipe to suit you eg. replace the sugar with brown or maple syrup or agave; use different types of flours; put different spices in; add sultanas or grated apple or blueberries. Nothing I ever make is "my-way-or-the-highway". So please mix it up, I dare you!

Wholemeal Heart Pikelets

1cup wholemeal Self Raising flour
1TBsp sugar
1 egg
approx 3/4cup of milk (you may need more or less depending on the thickness of batter you want)
small sprinkle of ground cardamom
small sprinkle of ground cinnamon
approx 1tsp of grated orange zest
approx 1TBsp melted butter

Combine the flour and sugar in a bowl and add the egg to the centre. Slowly beat together adding the milk gradually until combined. Stir through spices and zest and then add the melted butter. (I always add melted butter or oil to my batter as I don't use any on my grill when cooking them. Overall this means I use far less butter!) 
Pour batter into a piping bag and let sit for approx 5 mins. Heat your pan/grill plate. Pipe the mixture onto the gill plate and in the shape of a heart and then fill in. Flip when bubble appear. And voila. Lovey dovey treats!

Makes about 14 hearts (plus 3 dodges little munty ones)

These would be so nice served with whipped ricotta with orange zest and a drizzle of maple. My kids love them with sprinkles (what kid doesn't love sprinkles?)

I freeze them so they are ready for the lunch box or for a snack on demand.

Monday, February 6, 2012

what's in that kids lunchbox?.......three......

We are now at week 3 on the school calendar. I can't say we survived last week without tears or tantrums. Seems full time school is a bit harder to adjust to than I first thought. Hopefully we will have found our groove by this time next week. The official score on last weeks lunchbox was a 5! (obviously I'm lucky that her expectations aren't high) Only a few grapes came home and I think that is a win. So I have decided not to get her to score her lunch. I'll just monitor what comes home.

Love is in the air this week with Valentines Day only a few sleeps away. We don't celebrate the day in the commercial type way of flowers or chocolates or gifts. But I think its fun to enjoy all the love heart shaped things. So to keep in that spirit I have decided to add some to Lucy's lunch box.

Week 3 This Kid Has

I found those little fish shaped soy sauce things at my local oriental grocer. They sell packs of them so very cheap and they are perfect for on the go. And I also put in some pickled ginger.
Lucy loves all this food so I hope she enjoys taking it to school. I have surrounded the sushi with the frozen fruit juice and an icepack on the other side - the last thing we need is food poisoning!
Only 2 sleeps till her birthday so I will prob have an entire post on party "pinkness" before next weeks lunchbox. Hope you are all enjoying it.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

what's in that kids lunchbox.......two......

Week 2 already. And we have survived without tears or tantrums.
 Last weeks lunchbox was given a score of 4.5 out of 5. 
Only the carrot sticks came home, and apparently that's because she was already full and they took too long to chew and she wanted to go and play. I think her assessment and critiques were fair. Lets see how this one goes

Week 2 this kid has:

  • an apple for shared fruit recess
  • the classic combo of chicken, lettuce and mayo on a white bread roll (I could blame Woolies for being sold out of the wholemeal ones, but I didn't just go to the bakery instead. Kinda figured it wouldn't kill the kids to enjoy it's fluffy whiteness every now and then)
  • red seedless grapes
  • homemade spicy and seedy biscotti

I used to make biscotti all the time when Flynn was a bubba. His milk intolerances meant that regular shop bought rusks and other biscuits of the same nature were not suitable for us. 
And now with rules about no nuts at schools because of allergies, I think we can adjust things so that isn't a problem either.
 I know that the purists probably don't think the way I make them is correct, but we love them all the same.

Spicy and seedy biscotti
1/2 cup caster sugar
1 egg 
Whisk these together until fluffy and creamy
3/4 cup of plain flour
1/2 tsp of baking powder
1tsp of cinnamon
1/2tsp of ground cardomom
1/2 cup of sunflower seeds and pepitas
stir these into the egg mix
divide the mixture into 2 sticky and wonky logs on a baking paper lined tray 
bake in a moderate oven for about 30minutes
remove from oven and let it sit for about 5 to 10 minutes
then cut the logs into strips and place back in the oven (turned down to about 140degrees) for about 15minutes  or until brown and crispy.
I think they are "supposed" to be thin dainty things - but I make them chunky and rough. 
Bit like me really.

dressing up again

We got another opportunity to fancy up last night for a 60th bash for a work friend of Clint's. Thought we should catch it on camera as proof

Ozzy didn't want to be left out of the photos either
This is my new Veronica Maine dress that I am loving right now. And those heels made plenty of holes in the lawn at the party - whoopsy. Do you like how Ozzy modelled his paws next to mine! Probably should have gotten a tan (the spray on kind not the skin cancer kind) None the less we felt swanky and like grown ups again for a little while.

This morning it was straight back to reality and off the a 2 year olds birthday party. No heels just every style of Havaianas and crocs on display.
Happy birthday lovely boy. Hope you enjoyed the party and presents. We are glad to have you in the family

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

what's in that kids lunchbox?

I know it's not Monday yet and I really could just save this post for next Week, but that would be sneaky and not at all like me......... much........
Lucy's first day at Pre-Primary is today and this is her first packed lunch of the year. I hope it sustains her little mind as she learns the new rules of the classroom, and it gives her enough energy to play with all her friends (some old and hopefully lots of new ones too)

So to kick start my new plan of lunchbox updates: 
This Kid Has:
  • An apple (for her fruit time, all the kids bring a piece and they share it all at recess)
  • Ham, cheese, spinach, grated carrot and mayo mountain bread wrap
  • carrot sticks and lavosh crackers with chive and onion cream cheese dip
  • a fruit puree "crush up" pouch(I freeze it so it doubles as an ice pack and is all icy and slushy by lunch)
  • and a small fruit box (she also takes a water bottle so this is just a treat)

I'm pretty sure I have covered most food groups. Though whether I have done well or not will all be revealed when she gets home and we see what/if anything is left.