Tuesday, August 9, 2011

hello there friends

Well since my last post i have been completely and utterly distracted by other creative peoples blogs and PINTEREST! Dang Pinterest is so good.
Most recently (as in the last 2 days) I have whipped up a costume for Miss L's kindy book week. This is my first as a parent and I was very excited. Then I came back down to earth and realised that I should keep it simple so that I can manage it every year. So Little Red Riding hood is the inspiration and this is what we got....

2m of red velvet and 2 hours and she is all set. I didn't need that much fabric in the end but I guess I'll find a need for it somewhere. Maybe curtains for a puppet show?

Also got myself a piping foot and tried my first attempt at making piping - and piping something. It is trickier than I thought. But I love piped cushions and have some fabric on its way from Spoonflower so I will just have a few cups of patience and go with it.

This is the pouch i made while practicing. Not sure what I'll use it for but at least I have something out of a trial run.

Will post pics of the cushions when I get to do it. In my mind they are gonna be hot.