This year I had a good hard look at my life and decided that I was going to make some changes. Basically I could have almost written a novel length list of the things that I didn't like about my body and the way that I look. I don't want that for myself anymore - or for my kids to be like that either. So I challenged myself to think differently. I stopped focusing on what I would prefer to be and started acting on what I had and what I could do about it. I joined a gym. I started making the effort to put makeup on everyday and trying to accept more compliments and positives about myself.
Then I set my self a fitness challenge - I had to do 40 workouts before Christmas. It wasn't about reaching some magical number on the scales or fitting into a certain sized clothing. I just had to do 40 workouts.
It hasn't been easy. Some things had to suffer - I chose that to be housework and I cook a little bit less, and unfortunately I have less time for sewing. That being said it hasn't been impossible.
Some great things have come from this challenge. Clint also joined the gym and he has been very supportive - and through that I think it has strengthened our relationship. Also the I feel happier. I'm not sure but it could be endorphins or something like that. I am physically stronger and fitter. So now if I had to run for my life I might not actually just die! Oh and I have lost weight - which is a great by-product considering I tried not to make it my goal.
I am on the home stretch now with only 7 workouts to go. But have already enjoyed my effort. Here is a pic of me before (in Melbourne this year) when I bought this dress. I could only just squeeze my boobas in.
And here I am wearing the same dress at a wedding last month.
With the completion line in sight now I am really excited about my next challenge. Just have to decide what it will be. I think a new dress however is on the horizon. And probably some new gym gear - other than scabby old tracky dacks and super baggy tees.