Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day eight - and some serious restraint needed

Day 8 - on our advent and today is "decorate a gingerbread house"
I purchased the kit from Ikea. Even though some might think it is cheating - I honestly don't think the bother of it all is worth it in the end. The fun part is the decorating.

So much FUN
This will probably only last 24hours in our house - but eating it is the 2 most fun thing about the whole task. I will me meditating in the corner so that I don't join in on eating all that sugar. Wish I was a kid again, don't you?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 5 and Day 6 and then Day 7

Day 5  - we got "go out and see Christmas lights" This was perfect because Clint and I had slightly overdone it in the exercise department and we were feeling a bit sorry for ourselves. So we took the kids to a new local playground and then grabbed some takeaway (thank goodness Macca's does salads) and went driving around the neighbourhood. Later that night mother nature put on her own light show so the kids camped out in our room.

Lucy gave this house a score of 4

Then she gave this house a score of 100

this house only got a 3 because she didn't understand it. Ha
This house is our family favourite

The whole light show is set to music which you can tune through your car radio!

Day 6 - Lucy has showed us that it's "have a picnic dinner at the beach". Mother nature has trumped us again and a big storm has rolled into town. The kids have agreed to hold onto that to use another day. I am very happy they are such flexible and understanding kids. I guess they realise that they won't miss out. Plus they probably figure they will camp in our room again tonight! Oh well we could all use an early night.
Mother nature let rip

Day 7 - play a Christmas CD. Love it. I'm thinking we will play it every morning instead of watching all the kids crappy stuff.

Hope the weather clears up so we can have some fun in the outdoors again!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

my fitness challenge

This year I had a good hard look at my life and decided that I was going to make some changes. Basically I could have almost written a novel length list of the things that I didn't like about my body and the way that I look. I don't want that for myself anymore - or for my kids to be like that either. So I challenged myself to think differently. I stopped focusing on what I would prefer to be and started acting on what I had and what I could do about it. I joined a gym. I started making the effort to put makeup on everyday and trying to accept more compliments and positives about myself.

Then I set my self a fitness challenge - I had to do 40 workouts before Christmas. It wasn't about reaching some magical number on the scales or fitting into a certain sized clothing. I just had to do 40 workouts.
It hasn't been easy. Some things had to suffer - I chose that to be housework and I cook a little bit less, and unfortunately I have less time for sewing. That being said it hasn't been impossible.

Some great things have come from this challenge. Clint also joined the gym and he has been very supportive - and through that I think it has strengthened our relationship. Also the I feel happier. I'm not sure but it could be endorphins or something like that. I am physically stronger and fitter. So now if I had to run for my life I might not actually just die! Oh and I have lost weight - which is a great by-product considering I tried not to make it my goal.

I am on the home stretch now with only 7 workouts to go. But have already enjoyed my effort. Here is a pic of me before (in Melbourne this year) when I bought this dress. I could only just squeeze my boobas in.

And here I am wearing the same dress at a wedding last month.

With the completion line in sight now I am really excited about my next challenge. Just have to decide what it will be. I think a new dress however is on the horizon. And probably some new gym gear - other than scabby old tracky dacks and super baggy tees.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day 4

Day 4 on the advent and this mumma is already a bit tired. It could have something to do with the fact that I was woken at 5am by 4 very cute kids that were too stinking happy to be cross at.

Well after all the fun and playtime of a sleepover it was back to business and today's advent task was "make Christmas cookies"
This fits in perfectly with the fact that Lucy will be taking gifts for her classmates at school tomorrow.

These stained glass cookies do look cool - I really hope the kids like them. In all honesty I just hope their parents are impressed cause they were bloomin' fiddly to make and well out of my usual patience ability. All because I stupidly refused to follow the candy cane and card tradition. I wonder if I'll ever learn?

I hope day 5 is something like "give mummy a foot rub" or "make mummy dinner and pour her a wine" or "sit around and do nothing" Who made this advent anyway? Oh yes, crap that was my idea.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

day 2 and 3

Day 2 on the advent was write a letter to Santa and Day 3 is to play a Christmas game on the computer(easy - that should give us a nice quiet half hour today)

Also on today's agenda is more work on the "BLACK" project

our tree from Day 1's task
Oh and don't you just love a tree decorated with love. Our tree is not symmetrical or organised or have ornaments of just a particular colour scheme. It is however loving decorated by our whole family and that's just how we roll. (I do have one rule though - NO TINSEL! Hate the stuff. Even the thought of it makes me sneeze)

We rescued a glass chandelier this year and made some extra decorations. The lights catch through them at night and sparkle light all around the room.
It was destined for the garbage - but I knew all that cut glass that wasn't ruined still had another life intended for it.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

home made Advent calendar

Last year we bought our first advent calendar for the kids. The biggest kid in the house (Clint) had opened all the windows and eaten all the treats before the end of day 2!

This year I thought I'd make something myself. It's not pretty but it is personal.

I made up a list of things to do on Word and cut them out
Then I numbered some envelopes and Lucy and I filled each number with a different pattern. Then in each envelope I put a task and 2 treats

mmmmm cadbury yumminess with popping candy
 No real surprise that Lucy is the boss of opening the envelope
And today's task was - to put up the Christmas tree (I may have not been so random in placing some of the activities in certain days) 

Which of course ended up with posing!

Wonder what we'll get to do tomorrow?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Black is the new black PART ONE

We have moved away from all the beige and decided to do something a little bold in our kitchen. It has been on our "gonna-do" list for some time now and we finally got the balls the go ahead with it. I like having a little bit of time to think about things first. Makes me less nervous about big changes. And going from beige to black is a big change in my eyes.


At first the idea was pure black board wall. Black board paint is a bit expensive and annoying because it isn't a water only clean up task. So off to bunnings for some black paint. The look on the colour assistants face when we told her we were painting a wall black was priceless. It didn't bother us because we are used to people not being able to forsee our visions.

I jumped straight in and started edging

Then Clint took over and did all the proper preparations

And he did all the rest!

How exciting
So we now have one coat on! And stage one is almost complete. A few more coats and then the pantry door is next on the transformation list. Stay tuned for Stage 2..........

Sunday, November 27, 2011

a wedding to end the month with

Well as promised November has been very busy for us. And we topped it all off last weekend with a wedding.
We started the weekend off with a spot of painting... But I will tell you more about that in another post. I love the suspense! Then I had some gal pals over and a super clever friend spray tanned us. (she has a beauty business - nothing dodgey and no oompa loompa results) So all bronzed up we got dressed in our party clothes on Saturday and headed to the ceremony.
The bride was beautiful. And the men in their suits were so spunky. I really enjoyed the fact that everyone was dressed up and looking their best.
BH's before we murdered the dancefloor.

The Groom's sisters made the cake. There are so many clever people around!

He is so handsome. And all it takes is a suit. NY resolution is to find more reasons for him to weat a suit!

The tanning goddess - for Movember.
The whole thing almost made me want to get married again - to the same man of course. Although in all reality I would still prefer to run away to the Mauritius and elope. I'd let the kids come with us.....maybe.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A playground all to ourselves

Don't you just love it when you go out to a playground and no one else is there and you get to just be silly and not politically correct or polite. We found this playground down on the foreshore and it was completely surrounded by soft white sand, which was great because it was particularly high for our kids so we could worry less about injuries from falls. We were the only ones there for the hour or so we played - and by we I mean that even myself and Daddy bear got into the action.

And we even got a great photo that will definately be framed on our wall of fame-ily. Great photography spunky husband.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

proper messy fun!

Today we had an opportunity to have a midweek family outing. Clint works so hard and sometimes that means he is very tired, so we look at every little moment of energy as a possibility to enjoy family life.
We had heard about the new playground at Kings Park - the Rio Tinto Naturescape,
and it was really cool!

It gave our kids a rare chance to play messy. Get wet. Build dams with smooth rocks and make mud.
Plus we got to play with the new camera and capture some of these happy memories

attempting to dam the creek

either side of the little water hole was these "dingo dugouts" So cute

Good "clean" fun. Thankfully we didn't have to worry about leeches or any other disgusting creature.

Even I got my pins in for a paddle

Then followed a little bush walk path to dry off

Yes we are still with you. This wasn't a Hansel and Gretel situation

Peek aboos

Lastly a bit of rope climbing of course

Oh and here is a shot of Mr Handsome with a freshly manicured "stash" for Movember.