Friday, August 27, 2010

oh dear, what a Nanna...

I spent half of yesterday teasing my Sis-in-law about becoming Nanna-fied prematurely. We went shopping and she was searching everywhere for a crochet magazine as she wanted to learn how to do it so she could sit and crochet at night.

As she is only in her early 30's I thought that I was well into my rights to tease her as much as possible. However I have just realised that I have spent most of my Saturday morning planning out my summer vege plot and white-oiling all of my citrus fruit trees. Perhaps I TOO am becoming a Nanna prematurely.

On another topic I have not neglected to get busy refashioning my rescue chairs. Here are some progress pics.

Turned out that the original foam was rotting. Probably spent too much time out in the elements.

So my next visit was to clark rubber to get some new foam cut.

Then I can sand and repaint the frame.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

trip for fabric

I am making a trip to Ikea today to get some upholstery fabric so I can make my first attempt at covering some chairs I managed to save from being thrown away. I hope I can give them new life and I will post the whole reconstruction process. Wish me luck.......

Monday, August 23, 2010

busy getting creative

I am still in doubt about whether I will do the Spring fair again. Maybe I will do another market. Or maybe even none. However I have still been getting as creative as I possibly can in whatever spare time I manage to get. I figure that if I can clean out my fabric drawer and sell it off then I can fill it again with new fabrics and THAT sounds like something that will make my soul sing with glee. Perhaps I will even design them all on Spoonflower. My Ozzy Dog design is already a hit and Oz loves his special place. Oh the possibilties.
Any way I have already made and sold a few items so With any luck I'll get to pre sell everything thru facebook and save myself the price of the stall. Here are some pics...

Ps. I know the resolution etc sucks but hopefully you get the drift

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Should I dare do it again?

Last year my good pal Joey and I put our sewing machines into overdrive and held our own stall at the Cockburn Rotary Spring Fair. It was a lovely day and really opened my eyes up to our opportunities, but also the work that would be involved in doing these sorts of events regularly.

Well a whole year has passed since then and I received and email invitation inviting me back. Strangely I think I might do it. Regardless of the fact that I have no stock ready and double the trouble at home to add to my workload. On a positive note I do have a drawer FULL of fabric that i can use. Oh the dilemma.

I think I will start sewing and if I am in a good place closer to the day then I'll do it. Otherwise I'll just use everything I have made as Christmas gifts or post them on my face book page or open and etsy account to sell them.

Maybe I should stop being such a pussy and just commit. Nah where's the fun in that?